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Resident Assistants of the Month – January

Central Area: Jaden Hodges (Hess Hall)

Hess Hall would like to nominate Jaden Hodges for her hard work and dedication to the building, staff, and her residents.  Jaden came in as a first-year resident assistant in the fall and has continued to prove herself to the staff in amazing ways.  This month she specifically lead our Hotel Hess project, which was a building wide fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity. Jaden lead a team of RAs to create a plan, purchase all the food, organize volunteers, created a way to track food orders, came up with the idea of using google voice numbers to take orders, and created a way for us to use Venmo to collect money.  With her leadership and creativity, we raised almost $500 in three hours and sold out of food!  Jaden has shown such dedication to that project and learned a lot.

Jaden is always thankful towards the staff and encourages everyone.  She brings a quirkiness to our staff that everyone loves and enjoys!  She has such a passion for helping people, the environment, and always makes you smile!  I can’t think of a more deserving person this month to receive this award!


East Area: Carli Stewart (Brown Hall)

Carli is a first-year resident assistant who has excelled at creating unique and educational programs, including an Etiquette Dinner, Diverse Foods, and Zumba with her residents. She has also done an excellent job in handling several student and parent issues on her floor. She has worked effectively in communicating with both head staff and residents on updates and FYIs. Carli was able to handle difficult situations in a manner that is unique to her leadership style and accomplishes goals beyond the head staff’s expectations. Head staff is happy to nominate Carli Stewart for February’s RA of the Month!


West Area: Wilson Wade (North Carrick Hall)

Wilson has been very proactive and passionate within his role as the 7th floor resident assistant. Currently, Wilson is on the Habitat for Humanity Committee and he has done a phenomenal job by raising funds. Not only has he co-led four events for Habitat for Humanity but has also stepped up to represent North Carrick with RA Selection. Wilson was the representative for North Carrick and volunteered to assist with GART weekend as well. When it comes to programming, Wilson has had the best attendance this semester. He spearheaded the Super Smash Mario Brothers program and had a program to discuss on campus/off campus housing. Overall, I believe RA Wilson Wade has proved to be the RA of The Month because he has built community, execute his collateral assignment, have tough conversations with residents, and maintained a 4.0 GPA last semester.